Whether it be an airport, ferry terminal, train or bus station:

A Beaton's Meet & Greet representative will be there to greet you as soon as you enter the Arrivals area. See the photos at the top and bottom of this page of the airport Arrivals areas. Our sign is big and bold but if you miss it and the crush of people hurrying out all you need to do is go to one of the many pay phone booths and dial / WhatsApp (604) 377-5455 in Vancouver. Our representative will come to you.

Our drivers know the City and surrounding areas well and can give you a great deal of information which will start you off on the right foot.

You will be driven to your homestay in a late model mini-van by patient professional drivers. Our representative will, in fact, give you your first English lesson as you travel to your homestay. If you have questions about protocols in Canadian homes, our representative can help to calm your concerns by answering as many questions as possible. Our representative will take you right into your new home and introduce you to the family.

We ensure that you will be taken care of even if your flight is delayed, ahead of schedule or you experience a delay in coming through Immigration and Customs at the Airport. If your host family, for some reason is not at home (because your arrival time changes), our representative will ensure that you are placed in a safe and comfortable environment temporarily until the host family returns.

Don't take a chance with public transportation. You could be left sitting on a doorstep or left at the wrong place.

Bus drivers and taxicab drivers do not know anything about your school or your needs. Travel with a service that cares about you, the foreign student.


Call/WhatsApp Beaton's hotline to book your return trip to the airport. Late requests may be impossible for us to accommodate but we will do our best to help. When calling, leave the pickup time to us as we always want ensure that you have plenty of time to depart and we take other circumstances into account such at traffic, road construction, etc.

Beaton's is a safe and comfortable way to travel back to the airport. Our rates are very reasonable, our drivers pleasant and helpful all the way to the airport. We will escort you into the airport as well if you are nervous about finding your departure line. In the case of students in youth programmes, we will take you right up to the check in counter or connect you with an airline agent at the departure area. For unaccompanied minors, we stay with you right up until your flight leaves. Our service will be advised by the school or homestay agency you contracted with as to whether you are in a youth programme or are an unaccompanied minor; but do not hesitate to ask for assistance if you would feel more comfortable with our representative guiding you as you depart.

It is highly recommended that all students confirm their flights with the airline 3 days prior to travel. Our service is not responsible for missed, cancelled or delayed flights once we get to the airport. The student will be responsible for his/her trip back to the homestay or hotel and return trip to airport once a rebooking is made. 0ur standard transportation rates will apply. Our drivers may ask to see your flight information before leaving your homestay or hotel. We make every effort to ensure that you are at the airport in plenty of time for your flight based on the departure information that you or your school/homestay company has given us.

Please see our Luggage Restriction Guidelines for information on how luggage is handled at the airport and by our drivers. Please be aware that weight limits and regulations on number of bags, etc. change from time to time and from airline to airline. For the latest information on your airline's luggage restrictions please see your airline representative. Our drivers are there to assist you in all aspects of your departure, but may not be able to lift luggage that is very heavy (see our Luggage Restriction Guidelines). If you cannot lift your luggage, likely no one else should be doing this either .. so be prepared to help move your luggage into the airport.


Believe it or not, it has been known to happen that students will put their headphones on in the airline's boarding area and not hear the last call for their flight. Some students have spent more time in the shopping area than they expected and missed their flight. The Internet can be addictive and students have missed their flight. If this happens, the student is responsible for his travel back to the homestay or hotel and return trip to airport once a rebooking is made. The consequences of missing flights due to one's negligence in following directions can be extreme. At certain times of the year seats on most airlines cannot be booked at the last minute; some airlines will require you to pay for another ticket at full price; your family and friends will be very disappointed when you don't show up on time in your home country - they may have had to travel a long way to get you.


PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENT IS AWARE OF THEIR TRANSPORTATION PLANS. We often receive anxious emails wondering when they will be picked up.

Beaton's telephone / WhatsApp +1 604-377-5455 – ensure this is entered into your student's cellphone. If any problem should occur at the airport – eg missed/delayed/cancelled flight – the student should call Beatons immediately.

Sometimes Beatons can facilitate a solution on site and will help the student contact their homestay or member of the International team.

Sporting Equipment : If your student has equipment not listed on the sheet/form,
inform me right away.

• BIKE: $85 fee will be levied for bike transportation. Fees must be paid
on-line prior to transport date. Go to: beatonsmg.com/student-reservation/

• Bikes must be appropriately packed – boxes can be obtained from local
bike shops. Please help your student. Beatons will not be responsible for packing
bikes. Any bike not packed will not be taken.

• Ski/snowboard bag and 2nd pc luggage: $45-$55 fee will be levied for ski/snowboard and 2nd pc transportation. Fees to be paid on-line at

We look forward to seeing you in Canada this year!